
My wife, Barbara, introduced me to my career law partner, Harley Tropin in 1976 when they were at UM Law and I was a first-year associate. He and I have been working together since 1977 and have shared so many life experiences through that period.   

Diversity, inclusion, and mentoring have been important to Harley and Sherry since we formed Kozyak Tropin & Throckmorton (“KTT”). They have mentored many minority law students and provided significant financial support. Sherry is the Past Chair of the MCCJ, which has done so much to build inclusiveness into the South Florida community. Under Harley’s leadership, KTT provides a significant scholarship to the best Black law school student in the University of Miami’s Litigation Skills program and has been doing so for at least twenty years. 

Harley and Sherry have now donated funds, which will permit the KMMF to fund a summer fellow for the next two years. I could not be more appreciative of these friends, family, partners, and community leaders.

— John Kozyak


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